5 Top Things To Consider When Writing An Online Obituary

A loved one's obituary is probably going to be one of the hardest things that you feel compelled to write. Yes, it is your opportunity to tell the world anything special and significant about the person, but the weight of this responsibility can add stress to an already difficult time. Nowadays, nearly every obituary is written to be placed online. Even if it will also be placed in a newspaper, an online version is likely to be requested by the newspaper and/or funeral home. Here are five of the top things you need to consider when writing an online obituary for your loved one.

Tip #1: Be as specific as you are comfortable being.

Many people come to an obituary to read about the person and also are curious about how they passed away. This is especially true for younger people who pass away. While you are under no obligation to share the details of the death in an obituary, it can be a helpful thing to provide readers. It will also prevent people from asking you the cause of death and prevent the pain that may stir up each time it's asked.

Tip #2: Keep final grievances out of the write-up.

All people are flawed, and you could probably list things about the deceased that upset you at one point or another. If you have major grievances, yet are tasked with the responsibility of writing the obituary, refrain from giving in to the temptation of telling the dirty details in the obituary.

Tip #3: Write the obituary as a record for the person's children.

When you are composing an obituary, keep in mind that the children of the deceased will likely save the obituary and may share it widely. You want to write a story of the person that their children can be proud to share. It should be something that can comfort them. That can help you best decide what to put in the obituary and what to edit.

Tip #4: Elaborate on interesting areas.

Obituaries are boring when they only state the bare bones of someone's life. Listing where someone was born and died is an important part of an obituary, but millions of people are born and die in the same cities. What is important are the details of the person's life. While you will likely be on a word limit for the obituary, assess the interesting stories that you know about the person and include the best ones.

Tip #5: Keep attempts at humor out of the obituary.

Unless the deceased person was especially noted for their sense of humor to the point where it is the most significant thing you remember about them, don't make jokes in their obituary. It can be seen as tacky and tasteless by loved ones and strangers alike. Sometimes humor doesn't translate well online, and an obituary is not a place to test out the material. Instead, keep it informative and, when possible, uplifting in how it talks of the deceased person.

Finally, keep in mind that you should simply focus on sharing what was best and most loved about the deceased. As long as your writing is genuine and from the heart, you are already one step ahead of the game as long as you follow these simple tips. You can create an obituary that would make your loved one pleased and proud.

For more information, contact professionals like Near Frontier LLC.
